Friday, April 29, 2016

Establishing a Positive Classroom Climate

No matter what grade I teach, as a teacher I will be always expected to establish a positive classroom environment in which all my students show respect and care for one another. In my school we use classroom jobs, group projects, buddies and other ways to make everyone feel valued. It is critical for me to set predictable schedules and routines, develop classroom rules and choose activities that can allow all children to participate at their own level.  

Strategies use by T. Elementary to create a positive classroom climate
·        The classroom design layout is one of the most important ways to establish a positive classroom climate. Preschool teachers in the preschool classrooms avoid hanging up a lot of bright colored decorations. The colors on the walls can excite the students, and too many things on the walls will get them distracted. In my school all the walls have soft cool colors. Something else that preschool teachers do in their classrooms in my school is place educational posters at the children’s height.
·        Mood lighting also makes an impact on children's behavior. One of the policies adopted by my school is to avoid bright classrooms, especially with fluorescent lights because they can be eye-opening and stimulating. If overhead lights are bright, teachers try to turn on only half of them at a time and supplement darker areas with lamps that have a soft light bulb. When possible, teachers let the students enjoy the natural beauty of sunlight and keep the lights off.
·        Another cool feature in the Pre K3 and Pre K4 classrooms is the peace corner, in which teachers solve the conflicts presented among the students. This is within the watchful eyes of the teachers, but away from the hustle and bustle of the class. These particular areas are set up with soft cushions.
·        The classroom atmosphere also plays an important role and adds to the mood of the classroom. For example, during the morning meeting, centers and circle time, soft music plays in the back ground.
·       Some teachers I work with like to add calming scents to the classroom, if they are subtle and tolerable. Lavender is very calming, and is available in sprays or diffusers. Chamomile makes two other calming essential oils. I have seen some of my colleagues making their own spray by adding a few drops of essential oils to water in a spray bottle and they spray the classroom and doorway before the students arrive.
A soothing preschool environment helps pupils engaged in their activities. As a preschool teacher, I should keep classroom activities interesting and engaging, so that my students want to focus on their work. For example, practical life activities, such as cleaning, caring for plants, stringing beads, and tonging pom-poms keep children busy while deepening their concentration skills. The benefits of this type of environment in preschool are a happy group of children who love to learn both academically and socially.

My way to create a welcoming place for every student

I can develop a positive climate in my classroom for students with different cultural backgrounds by doing a background research on my students before the first week of school. After obtaining that information I would put up simple signs in the students home language. Another strategy I would use in my classroom would be having all students create an "All about my family" poster with photos to allow immigrant children to share both some of their family heritage and characteristics that make each child a unique individual.